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Church Family History

The church started off with seven members, seven faithful members and still today are operating in God's anointing in various areas of the church.  The church began holding services in the park of a depressed neighborhood in the city of Las Vegas. It was summertime in the desert (HOT!), but the purpose was more important than the weather. 


"Just Faith Ministries" is winning souls for the Kingdom, "... and if we walk through the fiery furnace to get them, so be it,' says Pastor James. 

The members of Just Faith Ministries survived the fiery furnace and were blessed for their faithfulness. We now worship in an air conditioned building, but the ministry is still outside the church walls. 


The church has one purpose in mind and that is to win souls to Christ Jesus, be a place to worship in the three digit heat of the desert as a sanctuary for people on the street seeking love, encouragement, support and God.

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